Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What kind of job can you get with a degree in Computer Science?

What kind of jobs are there for peopple with degrees in computer science?

What kind of job can you get with a degree in Computer Science?
Yeah I got a BSc in this computer science thingy. What I do in real life has very little to do with what I learned in those classes. I'm actually in finance now.
Reply:Unless you are in India, there are very few jobs actually available for a CS grad. In the US, most experienced CS grads are now doing other things - like working in the WalMart TV department.

If you check the employment listings, you'll see that there is virtually nothing available for CS grads. You might be able to get a tech job delousing people's computers at a computer store.

Nevertheless, college recuiters are still singing the same song that have pre-grads believing that they'll be able to walk into any business and demand to get a job and be paid $100K/yr and get it.

The sad fact is that most CS jobs have gone to India and aren't coming back. An American with a BSCS at minimum wage can't compete with a PhD in India earning $1.50 /hr. These days, with the Internet, it makes no difference to the employer exactly where the programmer is located geographically.

If its not too late, I suggest a different major.

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