Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What's difference between computer science and computer software engineering?

i m interested in goin in one of these fields but i m not sure what's exactly difference between Computer Science and Computer Software Engineering, Can anyone please explain me what's the difference as much as possible, i looked in google search but still confused..


What's difference between computer science and computer software engineering?
Software Engineering is basically desiging and implementing software systems. You would take more classes in design patterns and software architectures.

Computer Science is the blanket degree for basically all of computing. You would take the same amount of programming, likely more networking, hardware and OS oriented classes.

Each class would prepare you for a fine career and both degrees are sought after. To be honest, they are usually still interchangable with most employers. If someone is seeking a software engineer and you have a degree in computer science you wouldn't likely be excluded from the position based on that. That goes vice-versa as well.

You'll probably be taking the same classes until your junior year anyways where the programs will start to differ slightly.
Reply:Computer Science is more broad. It talks about electronics and hardware devices along with software development and how they all work together.

Computer Software Engineering's focus should be more concentrated on software development.

While in college, I was a Computer Science Major, but I saw that people were not finding jobs with that degree, so I changed majors. I ended up dropping out and getting an MCSE. A computer science degree sucks in many ways. First of all, It is really a tough major, and secondly when you get it, your job is always in jeopardy of being shipped to India. Honestly, I never liked the idea of unemployment lines, which is fairly common for programmers, so I concentrated on support rather than development. When I go back to get a degree, I hear that BCIS is a good degree to get into management, and that unfortunately is where most of the money is in this field.
Reply:You may find the answer here

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