Monday, July 13, 2009

Why is chemistry and computer science majors ph. D? While Medicine and theology have different terminal degree

Philosophy is definded as "love of wisdom," an umbrella term under which there are so many branc studies.

1.) What do we call the branch study of Philosophy?

2.)Explain why Chemistry and computer science majors terminal academic degrees are Ph. D (Doctor of philosophy) while Medicine and Theology have different terminal degrees.

Why is chemistry and computer science majors ph. D? While Medicine and theology have different terminal degree
1: Medieval relic, ignore it.

2: Because the MD and Dr.Div are practice degrees not research degrees while the PhD is a research/academic degree. It is possible to have both a Dr.Div and a PhD in Theology, for example. Likewise, it is possible to have an MD for the practice of medicine plus a PhD in "Medical Sciences".

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